Integrated Railway Helpline No.139 and Rail MADAD App for passenger grievances with effect from 1st January, 2020
Integrated Railway Helpline 139 is made functional and has taken over all the
existing Helpline numbers. The earlier various Helpline numbers for general
complaints, catering, Vigilance, Clean my Coach, SPCSS etc. are henceforth not
functional and are subsumed under Helpline no.139. Security
helpline no. 182 for reporting security related issues will remain to continue.
From 1st January 2020 RAILWAY HELPLINE
NUMBERS 139 (for medical assistance, coach related complaints & catering
complaints) and 182 (for security related) only will function along with Rail
MADAD App, the grievance redressal mechanism developed by Indian Railways.
Shri P. Srinivas, Divisional Railway
Manager, Vijayawada stated that passengers on board can avail the service of
139 or Rail MADAD app for easy and quick redressal of grievances during train
journey. DRM said that grievances through Rail MADAD app/139 helpline are
monitored in real time manner and alerts are sent to concerned officials for
taking necessary action in quick and effective manner. DRM also appealed to the
esteemed passengers to download the Rail Madad App in their smart phones for
registering all sorts of grievances.
Rail MADAD (Mobile
Application for Desired Assistance During travel), mobile app is designed to expedite and streamline
passenger grievance redressal. It is part of the Railway Passenger Grievance
Redressal and Management System (RPGRAMS) of Indian Railways and is operational
since 15th July 2019.
Salient Features of Rail MADAD
- Rail Madad registers a compliant with minimum inputs from passengers (option to upload a photo is also available), issues unique ID instantly.
- It relays the complaint online to relevant field officers for immediate action.
- The action taken on complaint is also relayed to the passeneger (complainant) through SMS. This helps in fast tracking the entire process of redressal of complaints through digitization.
- The app also displays Security Helpline number and provides direct calling facility for immediate assistance in one easy step.
- All modes of filing complaints including offline and online modes are being integrated on a single platform. This resultant management reports present a holistic picture of weak/deficient areas and enable focused corrective action by officials concerned.
- The data analysis would also generate trend on various performance parameters of a selected train/station like cleanliness, amenities, etc., thus making managerial decision more precise and effective.
- Hierarchy based dashboard/reports will be made available to the management at Division/Zonal/Railway Board Level and sent through auto email to every concerned officer weekly.
- The Rail MADAD app for both android and IOS platforms can be downloaded from Google play store and App store respectively.
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