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Special Trains between Secunderabad-Kakinada Town & Hyderabad-Tirupati

In order to clear extra rush of passengers four special trains will be run between Secunderabad - Kakinada Town & Hyderabad - Tirupati as detailed below: -

Secunderabad-Kakinada Town-Secunderabad Special Trains (02 services):

Train No. 07053 Secunderabad - Kakinada Town special train will depart Secunderabad at 21.40 hrs on 6th March, 2020 and arrive Kakinada Town at 08.50 hrs on the next day.

In the return direction, Train No. 07054 Kakinada Town – Secunderabad special train will depart Kakinada Town at 18.20 hrs on 9th March, 2020 and arrive Secunderabad at 07.40 hrs on the next day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at Nalgonda, Miryalaguda, Piduguralla, Guntur, Vijayawada, Gudivada, Kaikaluru, Akividu, Bhimavaram Town, Tanuku, Nidadavolu, Rajahmundry and Samalkot stations in both the directions.

These special trains will have AC II Tier, AC III Tier, AC Chair Car and Sleeper Class Coaches.

Hyderabad - Tirupati – Hyderabad Special Trains (02 services):

Train No. 07429 Hyderabad – Tirupati Special Train will depart Hyderabad at 19.10 hrs on 6th March, 2020 and arrive Tirupati at 08.45 hrs on the next day.

In the return direction, Train No. 07430 Tirupati – Hyderabad Special Train will depart Tirupati at 19.30 hrs on 9th March, 2020 and arrive Hyderabad at 08.55 hrs on the next day.

Enroute, these special trains will stop at `Secunderabad, Nalgonda, Miryalaguda, Guntur, Tenali, Ongole, Nellore, Gudur and Renigunta stations in both the directions.
These special trains will have AC III Tier and Sleeper Class Coaches.

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