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Swachh Samwad – Cleanliness Dialogue conducted across Vijayawada Division

Virtual Seminar on Clean Production Technologies conducted for Staff 

Vijayawada Division, South Central Railway, conducted Cleanliness dialogue/ public across the length of the Division with all round participation by staff as a part of Swachhtha Pakhwara campaign today i.e., on 17th September, 2021. Staff conducted open seminars and awareness rally displaying Anti littering notices to educate the travelling public. Staff obtained passenger feedback on the amenities, services and cleanliness at the Railway Stations.

At Divisional Headquarters, Vijayawada, a virtual seminar was organized under the supervision of Shri M Srikanth, Additional Divisional Railway Manager (Operations) Vijayawada. Dr. Madhusudhana Rao, Retd. Chief Environmental Engineer, APPCB delivered a guest lecture on ‘Cleaner Production Technologies in Protecting Swachhta’ virtually. Dr. Madhusudhana Rao explained different types of pollution and the environmental impact due to generation of sewage and garbage waste by Indian Railways. He also said that ensuring proper solid management measures, combating waste generation, obtaining green certification for Railway stations are the only forward to control the waste generation. He also explained the perspectives of circular economy through reuse, recycle and reduce measures. He said that 80% of the waste generated in the state are unscientifically dumped thereby exacerbating the situation. He explained the EOP (End of Pipe) treatment method to combat solid waste. He also said that the current trend is Environmental Protection and promotion without sacrificing the productivity. He explained the concept of Green Productivity and advised the immediate measures to be taken by Railways like setting up of STP’s, energy audit, magnetic flow meters, segregation of waste to fight the waste generation. Officers & Staff from all round the Division participated in the seminar. Shri Ram Chandra Sahoo, Sr. DEnHM thanked Dr. Madhusudhana Rao for his enlightening guest lecture and valuable suggestions with regard to Swachhta

At Vijayawada Railway Station, Shri Ch. Suresh, Station Director, Vijayawada participated in the seminar conducted at Bapu Waiting Hall on PF No. 1. Bharat Scouts & Guides and Staff participated in the seminar and educated the public by distributing pamphlets. Cloth bags were also distributed to the passengers to create awareness. Nominated officers and Staff participated in the Cleanliness drive at all the major stations with great enthusiasm to promote the cause of cleanliness.

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